Giving Tuesday is a national movement to support programs and initiatives we believe in.

Today, we are asking support for our SPE Foundation PlastiVideos Program!


With a generous gift from SPE Detroit, PlastiVan shifted gears last spring to begin producing virtual content in an effort to reach more students during this unprecedented year. With exciting topics as marine debris, foam, and manufacturing, PlastiVideos provide engaging lessons in plastics science.

But, we need your help!
It costs $5,000 to produce one PlastiVideos learning module.
Help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 to create two new learning modulesfor students and educators.
This #GivingTuesday, make a gift and help us in our mission to change the perception of plastics one classroom at time.


Thanks to help from the SPE Detroit Section, SPE Automotive Section, and Plastics Pioneers Association, PlastiVan is shifting gears during this time and using our resources to create new online offerings for our stakeholders. PlastiVideos transform our exciting PlastiVan program into virtual modules. It costs $5,000 to develop and tape each PlastiVideo module. We need YOUR help to bring PlastiVideos to more classrooms!